Many registered racers have not given us their tee-shirt size. Please log into your BikeReg account NOW and add your tee-shirt size!
Click Here to Add Your Tee-Shirt Size, and remember, if you do not provide your size you will not get a race tee-shirt.
Do not respond via email with your size.
If you remember adding your size when you registered you are good, but many registrants have not provided a tee shirt size.
This is because, somehow, the tee-shirt size question failed to reappear when the 2020 race was cancelled and renewed for 2021 and subsequently 2022.
We apologize for any inconvenience but after two consecutive cancellations the size question appears to be the only registration glitch and we’re trying to correct the issue.
While you’re at it, double check your category & age class to be sure they’re correct and remember that for BFC your racing age is your age on race day.
See you in June!