Want a BFC Race T-shirt? Register by Saturday May 25!
T-shirts are not guaranteed for anyone that registers after May 25.
Why? Because our t-shirt order must be placed by May 26,
and we can only guess how many more shirts we’ll need.
America's Original Gravel Grinder • Limited to 1,000 entries
Want a BFC Race T-shirt? Register by Saturday May 25!
T-shirts are not guaranteed for anyone that registers after May 25.
Why? Because our t-shirt order must be placed by May 26,
and we can only guess how many more shirts we’ll need.
Another Afternoon Shuttle bus has been added.
Go to Active.com and make your reservation now!
If you haven’t registered yet, you can add the shuttle fare to your registration fee. If you’re already registered, scroll to the bottom of the Categories list and choose to reserve the shuttle separately.
BFC 2013 commemorative jerseys are still on sale!
These top-quality jerseys are custom-made by Shift Cycle Wear and available only until June 16.
Click Here to view the jersey and get yours now!
The ordering deadline to pick up your jersey on race day was April 28. Your jersey will be sent directly to you with a final delivery date of July 19.
All four Morning Shuttle busses are full. No more morning busses will be added!
(this year anyway)
If you’re still looking for a lift, see the previous post regarding the Afternoon Shuttle.
As of Tuesday morning there are only 2 spots left on the fourth and final Morning Shuttle bus. The next two people that sign up will get those spots.
The first Afternoon Shuttle bus is full and reservations for that are closed. We can add a second afternoon bus – if we get at least 15 commitments by May 25th.
If you’d like to commit to a spot on a possible second Afternoon Shuttle bus send an email with your name, phone number and Afternoon Shuttle in the subject to [email protected] and we’ll let you know by Memorial Day Weekend if the second bus is added.
Here’s the Shuttle scoop:
The third Morning Shuttle is nearly full. A fourth bus will be added. So there are 20 spots left for the Morning Shuttle. No more busses will be added after the fourth and final bus!
The first Afternoon Shuttle bus has 7 spots available. We may add a second Afternoon Shuttle bus but only if the first bus fills up very soon.
Reminder: Morning Shuttle riders park in Inlet. Afternoon Shuttle riders park in Indian Lake.
New for 2013, our friends at Mohawk Valley GIS are offering a free Black Fly Challenge race course app for both iOS and Android smartphones. Check out the BFC race course anywhere, any time. No reception needed once downloaded to your phone.
Visit NYRecWebMap.com to get yours now!
The Adirondack Mountain Bike Association and Adirondack Special Events, producers of the Black Fly Challenge, are pleased to announce the addition of new sponsors along with the return of several long-time BFC supporters.
BFC 2013 is Presented by Mountainman Outdoor Supply Company. Those familiar with BFC history might remember that Mountainman himself, John Nemjo, was one of the BFC founders back in 1996. We welcome him as a Presenter for the first time.
New to the BFC this year are Chobani, America’s favorite yogurt, and StefBar, a locally-made energy bar with organic ingredients and a biodegradable wrapper! [Read more…]
BFC racers are an interesting bunch. Check out our conversations with BFC 2012 champions Ruth Sherman and Cory Burns…
Morning Shuttle – A third bus has been added and there are less than 10 spots left!
(Morning Shuttle riders park in Inlet)
Afternoon Shuttle – There are 10 spots left on the first bus. Buses may be added.
(Afternoon Shuttle riders park in Indian Lake)
Sunday April 28, is the deadline to order your jersey for race-day pick up!
Click Here to view the jersey and get yours now!
After Sunday April 28, you will still be able to order until June 16, then your jersey will be sent directly to you with a final delivery date of July 19.
If you haven’t done so already, go to Active.com and REGISTER NOW!
Need some inspiration? How about our youngest and oldest entrants (so far):
UPDATE: As of May 7, the oldest entrant is David Legg (75)
UPDATE: As of May 2, the youngest entrants are Chris Welch and Qian Adams (14)
If you want a BFC race tee-shirt make sure to register by May 25!
You snooze, you lose.
We recently received this query from a Black Fly friend:
What are the youngest ages allowed? And do they (the youngsters) race the entire course from Indian Lake to Inlet?
While the BFC has no minimum age, EVERYONE that enters is expected to be capable of finishing the entire course in 4 hours or less.
The sweeper truck is instructed to arrive at the finish line by 3:30pm, which is 5 hours after the 10:30am start.
NOONE is allowed to remain on the course behind the sweeper truck.
Black Fly Challenge 2013 commemorative jerseys are now on sale!
These top-quality jerseys are custom-made by Shift Cycle Wear and available only until June 16.
Click Here to view the jersey and get yours now!
The ordering deadline to pick up your jersey on race day is April 28. After that you will still be able to order until June 16, then your jersey will be sent directly to you with a final delivery date of July 19.
The Morning Shuttle is popular this year! The first bus is already full and a second bus has been added.
The Afternoon Shuttle still has plenty of space.
Remember, shuttle reservations are now done online at Active.com and you can add a shuttle to your registration or reserve the shuttle separately.
Black Fly Challenge is a registered trademark of the Adirondack Mountain Bike Association, part of the
Inlet Area Business Association.