BFC 2019 Men’s Champion: Mike Jones
Time: 1:53:23
Age: 41
From: Endicott NY
Team: Team Skyline Elite
Occupation: I own, manage and maintain 28 apartment buildings.
Recent Cycling & Athletic Experience: I have had very little athletic experience in the past two years. It was a rough time to be a landlord.
Pandemic Pastimes: worrying, eating, family
Any Special Training? hardly any training at all
Goals: finish and keep on the bike till next June and come back at the front of the race.
Why the BFC? Because it’s awesome
How is the BFC different? Point to point in the Adirondacks!
Etc.: Won it in 2002 and winning it in 2019 was a huge goal – and I executed it even with two broken ribs sustained at the Winston Salem road race a few weeks before!