BFC 2012 Men’s Champion: Cory Burns
Time: 1:47:37 (Men’s Course Record)
(Corey raced in the Men’s Cyclocross, 1-29)
From: Watertown, NY
Team: Full Moon Vista bike shop
Age: 29
Occupation: Watertown Savings Bank loan processor
Cycling & Athletic Experience: Cory came from long line of Alpine skiers. He was a downhill ski racer from age 7 to about 18, and his Dad was his coach. He has been riding competitively since about 15-years old, “I was a Junior mountainbiker up until I was 18 and transitioned into road (cycling) full-time.” He did a lot of road riding in college (JCC & UNH).
Training: Before he had kids Cory trained 20-25 hours per week. “Now if I can get 10 hours that’s a pretty awesome week.” “Last year I rode at night, with the light, on the road probably 70% of the time because that’s when everybody (wife & kids) was in bed.” Cory then laughed, adding, “It’s where I wanted to be (in bed) but I had to get out and ride and that was my time.”
Cory has no special diet but says, “We eat pretty clean at the house. The twins are both allergic to dairy so we go ‘free’ on a lot of stuff, dairy free and wheat free.”
Cycling & Athletic Goals: “The goals are pretty modest these days. With family life and a full-time job the goal is more about a feeling – I want to feel good on the bike and know that I can (modestly) compete. I know what my limits are. I don’t have time to train four or five hours a day and do eighty-mile races anymore.”
Why the BFC? “I had done it really young in my career and then to do it when I was nearly 30, it was cool to be back and see it grow and to have a really high level of competition.” Cory did his first BFC at 18-years old. “It’s something that I have a long history with. I showed up there when I was a kid with no experience and had pretty quick success.”
How is the BFC different than other races? “It’s pretty hard to find a race like it – just a cool event. Every year there seems to be some really good riders there. There’s so many cool little elements to it. You have so many different levels that start off all at the same time.” So you like the shotgun start? “Yeah, at times it’s a little hectic. The guys that have raced for a while know that there’s always gonna be guys that don’t have experience that are gonna be trying to kill themselves up front.” Cory laughs and continues, “Sometimes it makes it a little more dangerous so everybody’s a little nervous, trying to stay out of trouble, but it’s fun. And the (opposite) direction this year makes it a whole different animal.”
Etc.: Rode most of the 2012 race with Dan Timmerman and (2010 Champ) Dan Staffo. Not happy that USA Cycling discouraging racers from doing unsanctioned races such as the BFC.
How can we improve the BFC? “I don’t think anyone does a bad job there. It’s great and you wouldn’t have the numbers if it wasn’t.” Cory says some food and/or soda for riders would be nice and an earlier shuttle back to the start line would be good as well. And start the awards earlier.