Support Our BFC Sponsors!
..North Country Subaru
Black Fly Challenge
Presented by
Pedals & Petals • SyracuseBicycle

Black Fly Supporter
Mountain Ice • LMNT
Black Fly Friend
Screamen Eagle
Black Fly Fan
Inlet Department Store • Pine’s Country Store
BFC Lodging Sponsor:
- The Birches (Inlet)
- Deer Meadows (Inlet)
- Garnet Hill Resort (North River)
- Great Camp Sagamore (Raquette Lake)
- Kenmore Cottages (Eagle Bay)
- Marina Motel (Inlet)
- The Woods Inn (Inlet)
Special thanks to the towns of Inlet and Indian Lake, Hamilton County and the NYS DEC & DOT
The Black Fly Challenge is also sponsored by numerous local businesses.
Please patronize our cycling-friendly sponsors.